Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Sunsets on the Westside!

The sun rises in the east and sets in the west and when it sets on the west side of Kauai it puts on a magnificent show that can only be explained in one word, HEAVENLY!! One of my most favorite memories since living here occured when Kevin (the love of my life) and I first moved here and were living in Waimea, right next to the river mouth. We were driving home as the sun began to set. Instead of pulling into the driveway of the ramshackle "house" we were renting, we pulled up to the river mouth to watch the sun go down. The sky was arranged with perfectly puffy clouds that spanned the entire skyline all the way to the horizon. The view from the Kevin's 86 Toyota pick up (affectionately named The Green Tamale) was the perfect balance of sky, cloud, ocean and sunlight. The dozen or so beams of light that broke free from the spattering of clouds grazed the ocean's surface as if God herself were searching for something she dropped and she needed the light to find whatever it is she was looking for. As the sun began to make its final decent into the ocean, the sky unfolded and turned the most awsome shade of pink. Not just any pink mind you, I'm talking cotton candy on steroids, 80's day glo, pepto bismol, the worst sunburn my irish skin has ever experienced, PINK! Everywhere you looked from west to east or north to south, the entire sky was gloriously pink. We both sat there in the Green Tamale utterly speachless (and for those of you who know Kevin, know that Kevin and speachless usually don't end up in the same sentence!). So if you are reading this and wondering what to do on a fabulous evening on Kauai...I recomend driving to the sunny west side of the island, (Waimea rivermouth, Kekaha beach, or my absolute favorite, Polihale!) bring your favorite beverage and pupu, pull up a nice mound of beach sand, take a deep breath, relax and take it all in! Enjoy!---Kat

1 comment:

  1. Awesome new blog.. I love the discription "cotton candy on steriods"! -Tanya
