Sunday, June 28, 2009


How many people can say, "I sit in a tube, float down an old irrigation ditch, and get paid for it."? Not many I presume, however I was lucky enough to say that for 3 1/2 years while working at Kauai Backcountry Adventures. That's right, for 3 1/2 years I was lucky enough to take guests up into the interior of Kauai and float them down an irrigation ditch that was once used for watering sugarcane on the Lihue Plantation, which closed in November of 2000.
We would take guests up on 6 wheel drive Pinz Gauers (Swiss military vehicles) giving history of the land, flora, fauna, and the not so occasional bad joke (although we prefer to call it "cheese"). The views on the ride up are rare to the everyday vacationer as all the land(17,779 acres) is private property and Kauai Backcountry Adventures are the only ones with access. You get to see awsome views of Mt. Wai'ale'ale (the wettest spot on earth) and learn how the water for the ditch originates in the sky to the mountain, to the swamp, to the waterfall, to the river, and into the ditch. It's a great photo opportunity! Once in the ditch you float through 5 seperate tunnels, the longest being about a half mile. You get to wear a super neat-o helmet with an even cooler headlamp so you can see what your floating through. Your in the water for about 45 minutes to an hour stopping a few times for safety and once to tell you a story in the middle of the longest tunnel. At the end of the ditch, the drivers will pick you up and take you to the picnic area/ swimming hole where you are givin a sandwich, cookie, chips and water and you can swim in the natural swimming hole. It's a three hour tour (cue Gilligan's Island theme music) and will run you $100 plus tax. There is a 300lb weight limit (that's the manufacturers reccomendation for the weight limit on the tube) and if you have kids they MUST BE 5 years old AND 43 inches. (I'm gonna hop on my soapbox for just a second...Now this is an incredibly safe ride however, if you have a 4 year old don't ask them to lie about their age, while I'm sure they are a very mature 4 year old, a strong swimmer, and they probably would be able to handle being in dark tunnels for 70% of the ride, those standards are in place for the SAFETY of the guests and by making your child lie about their age, if something were to happen, the safety of the your child, other guests, and the guides would be compromised. Sorry, just had to put that out there!)
Now the tour sells itself as far as tours go, I mean where else are you gonna go tubing in Hawaii?? What really makes this tour so unique and so special is the staff. Of course you could be reading this thinking that my opinion is slightly biased and I would have to say that you are right to some extent. Kauai Backcountry Adventures has been very good to me and I am extremely loyal to the owners, management, and staff. This is the best group of approximately 50 people I have had the priviledge to work with. While this cast of tour guides are the biggest group of clowns you could possibly meet, they are also the most compassionate, funniest, knowledgable, and talented group of people to spend three hours with each one incorporating their own uniqueness to their tours.
You can reach Kauai Backcountry Adventures at 808-245-2506 or look them up on the web. BOOK THIS TOUR!!!!! You won't be disappointed, I promise.

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